BALISHAMAN's TV - Kategorie Pseudo-Schamanen

06 -   Kiesha Crowther: Alternative Lifestyles of the Rich and Fraudulent

Ist das noch Schamanismus oder übelster Schindluder?

This video documents the controversy that is going on in the Native American community over Kiesha Crowther's false statement that she is the shaman of the "Sioux and Salish tribe" and the money she has been making from this false claim.

I am mirroring this video so that non-Indian people can have some understanding as to the pain that pretenders like Kiesha Crowther cause native people. I want non-Indians to understand that only way to stop the exploitation of indigenous peoples' spirituality is for people to STOP paying ANY money for it. Authentic spiritual leaders would never charge money. Ceremonies are not open to anyone who can pay a price - our spirituality is much too sacred for that. If you have respect and compassion for the indigenous peoples of this land, then allow us to be the guardians of the spirituality that our ancestors developed.
Do not support Kiesha Crowther and others like her who exploit our spiritual practices for profit.


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