TV - Kategorie Pseudo-Schamanen
07 -
White Shamans and Plastic Medicine Men, Part 1
Ist das noch Schamanismus oder übelster
White Shamans and Plastic
Medicine Men is a documentary dealing with the popularization
and commercialization of Native American spiritual traditions by
Non-Indians. Important questions are asked of those seeking to
exploit ritual and sacred ceremony and of those vested with
safeguarding sacred ways. This documentary is thematically
organized, and deals with romantic stereotypes and copying, the
impatience of new age practitioners contrasted to the fact that
indigenous spiritual traditions are thousands of years old, and
the proselytizing nature of these new age practitioners. The
film represents a wide range of voices from several native
communities, and speaks to issues of cultural appropriation with
humor, righteous anger, and thoughtful insight.
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